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So, today was my last day at I’ve been there for eight years, doing tech support and helping with marketing as the “Head of Podcaster Education,” a job I’ve enjoyed.
So why am I leaving a job I enjoyed? Let me explain it with food.
There is a custard stand within a mile of my house. When I go there, I get chocolate. They rotate flavors there, so if it’s banana, strawberry, etc., I will (if I’m paying attention to my waistline) skip them entirely. However, if the sign says “Oreo Cookie,” I will stop in every time. They post schedules showing what day will be what flavor, and I put “Oreo Cookie” days IN MY PHONE.
Libsyn is a profitable company with great benefits and an AMAZING team. As I said, it is chocolate ice cream. Mmmmmm.
My new position (which I will announce July 29th after myself and the new company get some ducks in a row) is Oreo Cookie. I don’t dislike chocolate. I love Oreo Cookie more. It really is as simple as that.
So, if you want to keep your audience engaged, tease them. If you ask me, “Are you going to work for Captivate?” I will say, “I can neither confirm nor deny.” Hindenburg? I can neither confirm nor deny.”
So I know we’re friends, and you won’t tell, but I’m telling you a big tip right now:
If you want to hear the best secrets, you have to learn not to tell them. (I knew Spotify was entering the podcast business one year before they started importing podcasts.)
So members of the School of Podcasting say things like, “You’re really not going to tell us?” My friend will say, “I’m not going to pressure you (and then pressure me to tell). No I’m not going to tell. You can follow the show, and I’ll announce it on the 29th.
So, if you want to keep people tuned in to the end of your episode, keep them asking, “I wonder what happens next?” or some other question that will keep them on the edge of their seats.
Last night, I watched IF with Ryan Reynolds on Paramount +, and there is a certain amount of, “Wait, who, what is Ryan’s character… is this a dream? Another dimension?
Even though the movie started painfully slow initially, there was enough mystery for my brain to stay activated.
It’s Like a Hallway at a Podcast Event
click for more information.
My Latest Episodes
Stephanie Graham Tests The Podcast Hot Seat School of Podcasting (Follow)
Your Podcast Emergency Plan - Ask the Podcast Coach (Follow)
Building Trust Through Your Podcast About Page —Your Podcast Website (Follow)
Inflated Download Numbers - The Hidden Cost of Podcast Fraud —Your Podcast Consultant (Follow)
Can’t Get That Script to Work with Your Prompter?
Speakflow is a web-based teleprompter scripting tool that can work at the pace you speak. I haven’t used it yet, but (hence the title above) it caught my eye. If you have the Elgato Prompter and are not 100% happy with the built-in software, you might want to check it out.
Eleven Labs Noise Removal
Eleven Labs is known for an affordable tool for cloning a voice (I cloned my grandpa—keep the tissues on standby). Recently, they branched into noise removal and have a demo video where a person is talking into a Shure SM7B as someone points a leaf blower directly at them. The tool removes the noise and leaves you with the voice only. It’s impressive.(click “watch demo).
What’s Coming In The Future
Podcaster Happy Hour
I started this during covid, and later we went back to normal. This will be monthly meetings (typically the last Monday of the month) where I will bring in a podcast service to do a demo, then we will follow that up with a networking and Q&A. Get on this list to be notified.
Rode Interview Pro Mic Review
I’m going to Podcast Movement next month, and the Rode Interview Pro Mic seems like a great-sounding, super-easy way to catch quick interviews on the fly. I’ll be doing a full review soon.
Next School of Podcasting (I think…)
My guess is I’ll talk about leaving Libsyn and how people going nuts trying to figure out what is next (kind of what I just told you).
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Whether you’re just starting or a seasoned podcaster, the School of Podcasting can help. Helping podcasters is what I do, and I’ve been doing it since 2005
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