This newsletter contains affiliate links. Not all of them, but some of them. I earn a small commission and it doesn’t cost more. I call that a win-win.
I’m taking the Author Blueprint formula at Author Media, and if you’ve listened to my shows, you know I always say that if you’re not making people laugh, cry, think, grow, educate, or entertain them, you’re boring. Thomas Umstattd brought up a point that made me think, and if you make me think, I’m a friend for life.
Some books are meant to entertain, and some are meant to provide an escape. I’ll give you an example. A Hallmark Christmas is 100% escape. Often, the backdrop is a small country town complete with snowy mountains. We all know how EVERY one of these movies ends. The hottest woman (who is shockingly single) meets the hottest man (also incredibly hot AND single), and they first hate each other, but by the end of the movie, they are together. You know EXACTLY what you’ll get, and THAT is why you tune in. You turn off your brain and escape.
I refer to this as AC/DC syndrome. When a new album from the AC/DC band comes out, I can play every song without ever hearing it. The songs are simple, follow a formula, and often sound like the last AC/DC song.
If they stay the same, those who LOVE that formula LOVE the new batch of songs. Those looking for something slightly different tune out because there is no deviation. Which means, you guessed it:
You’re damned if you do (take a risk) and damned if you don’t (keep it safe).
I once went to a pre-Van Halen Sammy Hagar concert many moons ago. Ultimately, he played songs from Led Zepplin and The Who during the encores. He told the audience, “If we (the band) get bored, we’re all F*cked.” So, when it comes to playing it safe or trying something new in your show, do what keeps you engaged. If you get bored, your audience is screwed.
An Interesting Free Way To Promote Your Appearances
I had Katie Brinkley on the School of Podcasting. As I researched Katie, I discovered that she had made a playlist of all her appearances on Spotify. Being that this is free, it's impressive to see how many appearances she has, and of course, this boosts the number of downloads for the host.
Profit From Your Podcast is Now Available as Audio
My book Profit From Your Podcast: Proven Strategies to Turn Your Listeners Into a Livelihood is now available as an audiobook. I’m selling this via Soundwise. When you buy it, you will see that the audiobook is unfinished. I recorded chapter three this week and will record chapter four this weekend. That is on purpose. As I finish recording it, the early adopters will get a special channel to ask questions, and your questions will be part of the bonus content. ORDER TODAY or Listen to a Sample.
My Latest Episodes
Mastering Social Media for Podcast Growth with Expert Katie Brinkley- School of Podcasting (Follow)
Publish & Prosper - Reviewed- Podcast Rodeo Show - Podcast Reviews (Follow)
SMS and Podcasting: A Match for Audience Engagement? - Ask the Podcast Coach (Follow)
What If YouTube Music Succeeds? - Future of Podcasting (Follow)
How Much Money is Flowing Through Podcasting 2.0?
A graph shows that $40,286 have flown to those podcasters using the Value for Value method.
Metricool is a tool that Katie Brinkley mentioned in our interview. More than 1.7 million professionals, agencies and brands use Metricool as their one-stop shop for social media and online ad management.
I had a friend of mine explain how they were thinking of using Kajabi but then found Pensight. PenSight has a built-in email list, community tool, courses, digital products, and more. There is a free plan, and the paid plan is only $29/month. If you’re looking to sell digital products while building a community, you might check it out.
I’m looking into using text messages (better known as SMS) as a way to communicate with your audience. I found Slick Text. This is $29 a month, and might be a bit much for the hobby podcaster. You can buy Easy Text Marketing Agency Platform at Appsummo if you want to get your nerd on. It’s $89 for life, and you can use a tool like Telnyx, where a single text message is .0004 (so it's nerdy but cheap to set up). I’ve gone this route, and I’m already seeing where that $29 a month for Slick Tex may be well spent.
Monarch Money
A few issues ago, I told you how I’ve moved my personal banking to Acorns (where it’s helping me save money AND earn interest well Mint (a very popular free finance tool - again, free is not a good business model) has closed. While it’s not free, I’m eight days into my trial of Monarch. You can tie this into EVERYTHING. I have it tied into Acorns, Coinbase, the loan for my new windows, etc. I see EVERYTHING in ONE PLACE. It’s $8.33; you can get 50% off using the coupon mint50. I pulled the trigger on it. Check it out (aff).
Free 30-Minute Consulting Giveaway
Looking for some one-on-one consulting for free? Check it out at
What’s Coming In The Future
I interviewed Alban Brooke from Buzzsprout who have a new app for their service. I’ve known Alban for a while, and I’ve never had him on the show.
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Need Help With Your Podcast?
Whether you’re just starting or a seasoned podcaster, the School of Podcasting can help. Helping podcasters is what I do, and I’ve been doing it since 2005
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