This article contains affiliate links. Not all of them, but some of them. I earn a small commission and it doesn’t cost more. I call that a win-win.
In a previous episode of the School of Podcasting, I discussed how a coach answered my question in about three minutes, saving me hours of time. I also told you about the Book Launch Secrets course I will attend. My friend Thomas Umstattdt Jr. “knows stuff.” He lives, breathes, and sleeps publishing. AND (and this is one of the reasons I like him), he likes gadgets as much as I do.
He told me he had purchased the Elgato Prompter (which I did too). So when I showed him how it washes my face out (and I’m so WHITE ALREADY) and he said, “Oh, I know how to fix that; I had the same issue (turn down the brightness). It worked like a charm.
Thomas also told me that if you’re an author, don’t get all of your author friends to review your book, as Amazon may dismiss those reviews as authors often leave bad reviews for their competition (really?). He dropped other publishing tips in the video at
While it's fun to hang out with people who know everything you do (so you have that in common), you might consider making friends just a little side-step to your niche. They know stuff, and soon you will too.
I’m playing with Gleam. You can win 30 minutes of consulting. Enter Here.
Profit From Your Podcast is Now Available as Audio
My book Profit From Your Podcast: Proven Strategies to Turn Your Listeners Into a Livelihood is now available as an audiobook. I’m selling this via Soundwise. When you buy it, you will see that the audiobook is unfinished. That is on purpose. As I finish recording it, the early adopters will get a special channel to ask questions, and your questions will be part of the bonus content. ORDER TODAY or Listen to a Sample.
My Latest Episodes
The Varied Faces of Video Podcasting - School of Podcasting (Follow)
AI and Podcasting: Generating Episode Ideas - Ask the Podcast Coach (Follow)
Bad Decisions With Jim Banks - Podcast Rodeo Show - Podcast Reviews (Follow)
Sleep Soundly Knowing Your Passwords Are Safe With 1Password - Podcasting Resources (Follow)
Advanced Strategies to Grow Your Show - Libsyn Webinar (subscribe)
If you are looking for a SIMPLE video editor, you might check out Tella. A member of the School of Podcasting is using it and seems to like it (because it’s simple but powerful).
Oats Overnight
Okay, this brand is so cool. I liked them before I even consumed their product. You dump 8 oz of milk into a shaker cup, dump a packet of oats (I love Chocolate peanut butter banana, Maple Syrup and Waffles, strawberries, and cream), and I could go on. When I go to Podcast Movement next week, the suitcase will be filled with these, as oatmeal is so much better than chips or a Snickers bar. They are YUMMY. Your breakfast in seconds. Check them out.
So I played with more tools around promotion, and I found Metricool (which does have a free tool). I’ve been trying to find a way to track what is working and Metricool does this and more. It seems to track ALL social media, and you get everything on the dashboard. Between that and Social Bee they both help you see what is working and help you post on social.
What’s Coming In The Future
Your Podcast Website
I used Eleven Labs (for my VO courtesy of AI) and Envato Market (for music), and Chat GPT wrote the script for the opening of my show, which will launch in April(?). Your Podcast Website. I’ve got the website up, but it’s primarily just a page for the newsletter. For those interested in helping me shape a show for THEM, check it out. Here is the intro.
Joe Pulizzi
Yes, the Godfather of content marketing and the man behind the Content Entrepreneur Expo (I’m going, are you?) was interviewed this week for the School of Podcasting (bucket list checked). Follow the show.
Follow the School of Podcasting at
Need Help With Your Podcast?
Whether you’re just starting or a seasoned podcaster, the School of Podcasting can help. Helping podcasters is what I do, and I’ve been doing it since 2005
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